Connecting with God in the busyness of life

It’s so helpful to start with not feeling guilt that we can’t escape the busy world we are in, and the Heavenly Father knows it. <3

Sports will happen, jobs need to be attended, school attendance, assignments with deadlines etc.
Most of us have a full plate. There can be the tendency for us to fall into shame about how little time they spend with God. I know I have circled around many times in my life! Saying things life, “I should pray more, I should read my bible more…I should….”.

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Loving Courageously !

Back when I was getting treatments for cancer, Nate would come sit: wait, chat, talk, laugh, love and hold me. He then proposed to me a few weeks later. This man is courageous with his love.

My family would drive the 4 hours to sit with me for my 5+ hour treatments, nates family housed us and sooo many showed up - loved, courageously prayed!..

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5 Ways to pursue a Dream or Goal !

So you have a dream! Or maybe you don't currently but you might soon! :)

There are plenty of days and weeks when dreaming and even hope can draw dim this side of heaven…But I hope that this will fan into flame some of those God dreams that are in you- and I also hope that HOPE and peace from God springs forth in you this week.

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