Kind words from Clients


Bethany Hamilton

Bethany and I have been working together since 2019, We recently got to Life Coach women together.

“Sarah‘s love for God leads her and how she encourages others. And it’s been a blessing to be around that focus. Sarah instills a focus to trust in God, his providence for us and our value in him. I’m grateful to share life with Sarah and see her as a light to all”


Sarah Weber is one of the kindest, wisest mentors you will meet. She has provided sound wisdom and a good listening ear to me in difficult seasons in my life. I had never had a female mentor before, and I was concerned that I was putting myself into “therapy”. I came from the perspective that getting “help” from someone meant I was in a dangerous state, but it really was just an opportunity for me to  talk with a strong woman of God, who would help me walk through my struggle. Sarah embraces the struggle along side of you as a woman of God and from the perspective a good friend. Sarah, during our time together, was God’s gift to me, and a reminder that I don’t have to face my battles alone. She still checks in and prays for me often. (photo is not actual client to protect client privacy)

Sarah is an answer to a prayer.

I have been searching for Poppy to have a mentor/leader to help build her faith and relationship with God.

We first met her as Poppy’s small group leader through 4 Seasons with Bethany Hamilton. God brought us together. After spending time with you in person, I told my husband how much I wish we lived closer to you so Poppy could continue learning about God, building her relationship and doing so in His word with you.

God heard me! Shortly after, it came to me as clear as day to reach out to you and ask for you to lead Poppy privately. The stars aligned and it all fell into place.

After several weeks completing 1:1 sessions with you, the opportunity came for Poppy to join a small group of girls with you.

While sitting on Zoom is harder for Poppy, she gets off every week saying, “That was the best Bible study yet!”

I am so grateful that we have found you. You offer Poppy an ear to listen, build her confidence in herself and help her keep her focus on what matters most, The Lord and His word.

From Poppy:

My time with you, Sarah, has helped remind me to keep having those small moments with God.

I always feel accepted and acknowledged when I am in a study lead by you.

Thank you for always listening while providing advice that I can put into practice. I learn from the advice that you give to the other girls too.
— Ashli & Poppy (mother daughter)

Sarah S.

“I reached out to Sarah during a period where I was feeling confused as an artist and a creative.

Her words and guidance helped me onto a path of self-reflection and self-acceptance.

With her encouragement I was able to forge ahead toward my goals and reframe how I wanted my life and work to grow.”

Sarah B.

“I cannot express the amount of gratitude and love I have for you and thankfulness that God brought us together.

Our sessions have helped me to find my true path as a mother and a wife and a child of God. 

You truly have a gift for listening not only to me but to God’s word and bringing the two together to show the lessons and encouragement from Our Heavenly Father.

 Through working with you, I have learned that God has a bigger plan for not only myself but my family and all his faithful believers.

I truly believe we are meant to be beacons of light, hope and love in our world. When I get sucked into the daily minutiae or overwhelmed by the by the darkness or chaos around, our sessions remind me to be in “In this world, not of this world”.

We have talked a lot about the struggles of living & raising a child in a community doesn’t typically align with my Faith or Values.

Through God’s Grace and your support my family walks confidently on the path He has laid out before us.

You have taught me to maintain a pure heart and love others more like Jesus did. He loved not only those that loved him, but those that were against him and hated him. I was struggling with this. You reminded me to turn my eyes upon the true source of happiness. That my husband and I have the power to tweak our lives to better suit our callings from God and that although it is hard to swim against the stream, the blessings of faith are beyond any I have ever imagined.”



“Sarah has been one of the greatest sources of encouragement to me through so many seasons of life! She always joyfully points my perspective to a grander picture, providing clarity and a sense of direction through times that feel scattered. Her heart radiates acceptance and rich love for people. She is an incredible listener and inspires greater confidence to dive into my passions and goals!”



I wasn't sure what to expect from working with a life coach. The time I've spent working with Sarah has made my life richer in ways I never expected.

The positive change in me has created a ripple effect that's spilled over and also impacted the lives of those I'm closest to.

I'm so happy I chose to make this investment in myself and dared to imagine I could make meaningful changes in my life.

Sarah is so easy to talk to and has a great way of helping me identify things I can do to live the kind of life I’ve always wished for.


"Working with Sarah has been one of the best investments and decisions I've made on my self-love journey.

Before working with Sarah, I had previously seen her work on social media and felt so connected to her even before we met.

She seemed like a safe space and my assumption was so true!

Over the past 6 months, we have covered so many hard topics and she walked through each of them with grace and with the love of Jesus at the forefront of our sessions.

A few areas in my life that I can see a huge difference in my mental health, my recovery with an eating disorder, my relationship with the Lord, and my husband. I am so grateful for Sarah and would recommend her to everyone.”

- Jenny Doyle



"Sarah is super easy to talk to, and I feel comfortable telling her anything! I come back from every session with actionable steps and new perspectives. She sends follow up emails with notes of what we talked about and checks now and then between sessions. Sarah is such a great friend and life coach!!”



"From our very first conversation, meeting Sarah has been an ongoing blessing. Her sincere, unhurried, compassionate, and gracious demeanor welcomed me to open up to her without hesitation.

Sarah listens intently and asks questions to gain a greater understanding rather than rushing to offer a solution.

Sarah poured truth into me during every session. I didn't always receive it quickly, but I'm very grateful for her patience and integrity to tell me the same truths again and again until it sank in. By doing so, she helped me learn to identify deceitful thoughts that were holding me back. Sarah is wise beyond her years and genuinely cares for her clients. She seems the beautiful potential in people and longs to come alongside them to help them step into it. She certainly has for me.



"I am an athlete, a doctor, wife, and a new mama, I met Sarah when I was looking for a life coach. I have been a Christian for the last four years, and had been struggling with the "religiousness" of it and felt my "calling" has always been different. I always felt judged because I was not doing things exactly how I thought a normal "good Christian" would be doing them.

Meeting Sarah helped me grow in my confidence of who I was in Christ and what was my real calling. And it was not that complicated!

I did not have to change job or move to another country. I just had to let go of some old beliefs and baggage. I realized how simple He (God) wanted this life to be, and that the complications in life and religiousness certainly did not come from him. I have learned to ask myself less questions about what was good or bad or wrong and instead; let myself flow with the love of Christ in a real relationship with Jesus, which will always send me in the right direction. Sarah definitely helped me put my focus elsewhere than on myself, and I grew tons. I am now much less self-conscious, (although, this is still a work in progress.) I have learned tremendously more about others too, and now feel less frustrated about their attitude or behaviors. I am now more peaceful about releasing some relationships that weren't healthy for me, without condemning the people.



“Sarah is truly an inspiring person and has a heart of gold. Being coached by her is such a blessing and I feel fortunate to receive her kindness and encouragement.

Sarah is someone who is grounded in truth and the love of God, and it was evident to me in our sessions that she wants to share those with others.

We worked a lot on putting a stick in the mud when being faced with challenge or confusion, and instead pressing into gratitude.

I always received a lot of encouragement and positivity from our sessions. I often felt refreshed and empowered after our conversations on days when I wasn’t feeling entirely positive to begin with.”



“Sarah has a gentle and positive presence. She makes me feel comfortable and open to talk about what I’m going through. Conversations with her always leave me inspired and excited for my future. She lives her life as a bright light, uplifting those around her.

Helpful and kind, she embodies love in the purest of way. If there’s anyone I want to talk to when my thinking isn’t the clearest, it’s her!